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Dzięki wsparciu społeczności, BGA jest dostępna bezpłatnie i działa, potrzebując tylko minimalnego wsparcia finansowego.
Zostań członkiem dzisiaj!
You are leading an expanding Empire. You must choose the path that will get you to develop faster and better than your competitors.
It's a Wonderful World is played in 4 rounds with three phases each: first Drafting, then Planning, and finally Production.
In a 3+ player game, 7 cards are dealt to each player. In a 2 player game 10 cards are dealt instead. All players simultaneously draft a single card from their hand and then reveal them. Remaining cards are passed and drafting repeats until 7 cards are drafted by each player (in a 2 player game some cards will be left over).
Then players will choose which drafted cards to:
and which to
When all costs are paid the card may be added into player's Empire tableau (tokens on card are discarded) and any bonus (if any shown bottom-middle of image above the bottom bar) is gained to player's Empire card.
Note that any incomplete card may be discarded to gain its recycle cube to your Empire card at any time. Resource cube placed on a recycled card are returned to the supply.
Each production phase is sequence grey, black, green, yellow, and finally blue cube production sectors. Each of those productions have three parts.
Sector production is repeated for each color ending with blue which ends the round.
Incomplete cards remain. If not round 4, each player gets new set of cards to restart drafting but passing in the opposite player order.
Besides 1 point per character token, many cards have some victory points in lower left corner. Some score by other types of cards added to Empire (see bottom-right icons). The player with the most points wins. Ties broken by having most Empire cards and then most character tokens.
Uwaga: 3D jest eksperymentalne