#41271: "A player could not play, it didn't look to him as if he wa sin the game. We had to abandon the game"
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• W którym momencie gry pojawił się problem (jakie było aktualne polecenie w grze)?
At the beginnning of the game• Co się stało kiedy próbowałeś wykonać akcję w grze (komunikat o błędzie, komunikat na pasku stanu gry, ...)?
We tried to abandon the game so we could start again, but it didn't work cause still one player could not interact with the game. One of the players had to leave the game and he was punished for that and it is unfair, cause the problem was a bug in the system. Please remove the punihsment he received.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v90
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