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Zgłoszenia HUGO
#39278: "Blue man appears in final room entered before end of round - Midnight Party"
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• Proszę opisać problem z wyświetlaniem. Jeżeli masz zrzut ekranu z tym błędem (dobry zwyczaj) możesz użyć, żeby wrzucić go do Internetu i potem skopiować łącze do niego tutaj.
We have noticed this a few times and thought it was quite funny/added to the spookyness but often, when a round ends because the last guests enters a room, a blue man appears in that room for the duration of the next turn. Sometimes he disappears when someone goes into that room next turn, sometimes he hangs out in there with them. In this game, however, I entered the room with the blue man (he stayed), then when my opponent entered his next room, the blue man switched with him so it looked like my (green) and his (red) guests were in the same room. No observable impact on the game outcome. Move 140-145• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v89
Historia zgłoszeń
ToomRobbers • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2021 kwi 19 18:02 •
2021 maj 18 19:05 • Worth keeping as a feature imo, the more ghosts the better!
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- Jeżeli masz zrzut ekranu z tym błędem (dobry zwyczaj) możesz użyć, żeby wrzucić go do Internetu i potem skopiować łącze do niego tutaj.