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Zgłoszenia HUGO
#38290: "Midnight Party Variant - Steps Full = Wine Cellar"
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Zasady: zasada gry nie była przestrzegana
Szczegółowy opis
• Która z zasad gry nie była przestrzegana w adaptacji BGA
In the original German Midnight Party rules when the steps are full anyone else captured ends up in the wine cellar for -2 points. Is that supposed to happen in the Midnight Party variant that we are able to play on BGA?• Czy naruszenie zasad gry jest widoczne w powtórce rozgrywki? Jeżeli tak, to w ruchu o jakim numerze?
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Mozilla v5 (Firefox v87.0 32-bit)
Historia zgłoszeń
Baron Frog • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2021 kwi 7 14:38 • It's confusing (to me, at least) to have a variant called Midnight Party if it doesn't then follow the rules of the game Midnight Party!
tarrockfan • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2021 maj 20 3:30 • In this 5-player game:
we had a round where the first seven rolls all moved the ghost. So, the ghost mowed down the pawns and filled up the staircase. The next pawns captured by the ghost were placed on the -10 step. That does not seem right. This particular situation is not addressed by the last two pages of the HUGO rules pdf that BGA links to. However, rules_to_Midnight_Party.doc at BGG does address this point, and says '... these captives receive only -2 points each for this round'.
See link on this page (must be logged in to download, I believe)
we had a round where the first seven rolls all moved the ghost. So, the ghost mowed down the pawns and filled up the staircase. The next pawns captured by the ghost were placed on the -10 step. That does not seem right. This particular situation is not addressed by the last two pages of the HUGO rules pdf that BGA links to. However, rules_to_Midnight_Party.doc at BGG does address this point, and says '... these captives receive only -2 points each for this round'.
See link on this page (must be logged in to download, I believe)
GTSchemer • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2022 lip 12 22:59 • We had a case where the +4 space was open, but multiple pawns got sent to the +10 space, ending the game. That seems wrong.
StorkySteam • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2022 wrz 29 17:50 •
Turn 60
Stairs are full, Hugo chatch the green, he go to step +10 instead of +4
Turn 60
Stairs are full, Hugo chatch the green, he go to step +10 instead of +4
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