Wszystkie zgłoszenia
Zgłoszenia Welcome To The Moon
#162274: "Adventure 2: Arrow overlaps other buttons"
inforequest: Programiści chcieliby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat tej propozycji
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Left arrow that allows to look at opponents' board is overlaping other buttons (robots and trajectory fields).
I suggest:
-move arrows outwards or,
-remove arrows and add keyhole button, just like in classic Welcome to implementation.
IMO second solution is better. Im not sure if bug occurs also in further adventures, i havent played yet• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v134
Historia zgłoszeń
Komandor Tarkin • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2025 mar 23 10:53 • Arrow button is much larger than it is visible, i think it goes all along edges of board
Tisaac • Programiści chcieliby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat tej propozycji:
2025 mar 23 15:40 • You can already click wherever you want on player panel to switch the view.
The arrows are already not conflicting with spots on the map since they always have the priority so i dont see what is the issue exactly
The arrows are already not conflicting with spots on the map since they always have the priority so i dont see what is the issue exactly
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