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Zgłoszenia Flowers
#157623: "I got -3 points for 1 "3" card that had nothing else with it."
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Zasady: zasada gry nie była przestrzegana
Szczegółowy opis
• Która z zasad gry nie była przestrzegana w adaptacji BGA
I believe the rules are that each card removed at the end of the game is worth 1 minus point, but the game took away 3 points for that one card.
I believe this has happened to me before a few times but I thought there was a rule I was missing. But I've checked the rules and I don't see how any one card could cause -3 points.
Looking at the replay of the scoring, it says I had to remove 3 cards, but you can see from my screenshot it was only 1 card.
Thanks!• Czy naruszenie zasad gry jest widoczne w powtórce rozgrywki? Jeżeli tak, to w ruchu o jakim numerze?
The minus points happen on scoring so you should be able to see it in the final turn/scoring phase.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v132
Historia zgłoszeń
2025 lut 12 22:18 •
JennyAKATheWinner • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2025 lut 13 18:08 • This happened again except it was a "4" card and I got -2 points. The game log even says I "discarded 2 cards" but there is only one.
JennyAKATheWinner • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2025 lut 23 12:21 • This is happening all the time and is so frustrating. Please fix
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