#156713: "It doesn't seem to have scored me correctly"
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Szczegółowy opis
• Która z zasad gry nie była przestrzegana w adaptacji BGA
The counting points part of the rules. This says:
"The total number of leaves on the colored bamboo shoots is multiplied by the number of ponds colored in."
I scored 14 for bamboo shoots - I expected this to be multiplied by 3 (for the 3 ponds I have coloured in) - but it wasn't• Czy naruszenie zasad gry jest widoczne w powtórce rozgrywki? Jeżeli tak, to w ruchu o jakim numerze?
Final scores• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v131
Historia zgłoszeń
thank you for your response, but I can't agree with it. The rules say:
"Each leaf on a colored bamboo section awards the number of points shown on it.
The total number of leaves on the colored bamboo shoots is multiplied by the number of ponds colored in."
It doesn't say the number of bamboo sprouts. It says the number of LEAVES on the colored bamboo shoots - which surely refers to the three stands of bamboo shoots, not the 4 bamboo sprouts at the top right corner
Thanks, Helen xx
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