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Zgłoszenia Kingscraft
#155561: "Let me see what happened during opponent's turn"
implemented: Ta propozycja została wdrożona
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• Wyjaśnij swoją propozycję precyzyjnie i zwięźle, tak aby jak najłatwiej zrozumieć, co masz na myśli.
When an opponent takes an item, the game log just says "took a Class 1 item", but if I replay the last moves to see what precisely they did, it all happens quite quickly. I guess you can't just write the name of the item in the log because the items don't have names. You could maybe make the log entry hoverable and show the item card.
When an opponent fights a monster, if I replay the last moves the fighting screen pops up but immediately closes again, you don't really have time to look at it. I would like for the screen to stay up until I click an OK button or something like that.
We do have all the information that's really relevant for the game, what I'm asking for would just be nice to have to better follow along what the opponents are doing, so the game feels less solitaire.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Mozilla v5
Historia zgłoszeń
2025 sty 29 20:26 •
David Kühn • Programiści zgadzają się, że jest to dobry pomysł i zamierzają nad nim pracować:
2025 sty 29 22:54 • Hey! I understand your points and will see, what I can do about them. :-)
David Kühn • Ta propozycja została wdrożona:
2025 lut 20 23:54 • Hey!
I don´t have a solution for the item-names at the moment. I think this will stay is it is for now.
But I solved the replays of the fights. Now you can actually see what happens in the replays.
I don´t have a solution for the item-names at the moment. I think this will stay is it is for now.
But I solved the replays of the fights. Now you can actually see what happens in the replays.
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