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Zgłoszenia Festival
#140917: "i have now TWO cards completed, but it has never let me claim them? "
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Zasady: zasada gry nie była przestrzegana
Szczegółowy opis
• Która z zasad gry nie była przestrzegana w adaptacji BGA
I have completed two of the cards that I have but it is not given me an opportunity to claim them for the points. Whatever that's called I don't recall. One of them has been in my hand now completed for four terms. An earlier game I played did something similar after 2 or 3 turns though it did let me claim the card for some reason it just didn't the first couple of times. I don't understand on this particular game why it has gone on four turns and never let me claim it and now I have completed a second card and it's not giving me an opportunity to mark that completed either. :-(• Czy naruszenie zasad gry jest widoczne w powtórce rozgrywki? Jeżeli tak, to w ruchu o jakim numerze?
I'm not sure since I really had a lot of trouble with the information provided• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Mozilla v5
Historia zgłoszeń
2024 paź 5 20:36 •
eneri • Błąd nie został jeszcze odtworzony przez programistów:
2024 paź 20 20:25 • It might be helpful, if you got through the game replay, and post which move/which goal you mean, so the developer can see what you mean.
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