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#136819: "Add the Corruption & Ascension Expansion to the game"
rejected: Programiści uważają, że nie jest to dobry pomysł lub że stosunek kosztów do korzyści jest zbyt wysoki
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I love this game, and my friends love to play it. I have the physical copy (and the expansion) of the game, and my friends and I love playing the game, with and without the expansion. My friends have moved to other places around the world. We love playing IaWW on Board Game Arena, and we love the base game, but we would also enjoy playing with the expansion as well.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v128
Historia zgłoszeń
abandofmilk • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 wrz 4 1:51 • I have no other information to add.
Kayvon • Programiści uważają, że nie jest to dobry pomysł lub że stosunek kosztów do korzyści jest zbyt wysoki:
2024 wrz 4 2:39 • This is an excellent suggestion, but outside of our control.
If you'd like to see expansions, the best way to do that is to write to the publisher directly. I always say this and mostly people just ignore it, deciding that it's too much work. Here's a thread where I made the same suggestion and the publisher responded. A couple months later... expansion!
If you'd like to see expansions, the best way to do that is to write to the publisher directly. I always say this and mostly people just ignore it, deciding that it's too much work. Here's a thread where I made the same suggestion and the publisher responded. A couple months later... expansion!
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