#107831: "Caper tracker not moved at end of game"
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Szczegółowy opis
• Która z zasad gry nie była przestrzegana w adaptacji BGA
In the move tracker it states on the final move that "The caper at Pantheon moves 1 towards Darkgrim due to The Driver" which would have been correct. However, it does not appear to me that the caper tracker actually moved at this time.• Czy naruszenie zasad gry jest widoczne w powtórce rozgrywki? Jeżeli tak, to w ruchu o jakim numerze?
Yes, the rule is followed correctly in the text but is not actually executed in the game.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v120
Historia zgłoszeń
In order to diagnose what’s happening, we need to know where to look in your game. You can find the current move number by looking in the upper-left corner where the progression is indicated (in landscape for mobile users). You can also find the move number by clicking on the log and looking at the link that’s provided when it offers you the option to replay from that point. Or you can click the 'View game replay' button after the game ends and either find it in the log or walk through the replay.
Please be aware that we're not BGA employees, just gaming enthusiasts like you, so the BGA framework prevents us from analyzing games that are still in progress. If you haven’t concluded your game yet just wait until it’s over before following up. If we don’t hear back from you in the next few days, we may close out this report, but we can also reopen it when you follow up.
Dodaj coś do tego zgłoszenia
- Kolejne ID stołu / ID ruchu
- Czy F5 rozwiązało problem?
- Czy problem zdarzył się kilka razy? Za każdym razem? Losowo?
- Jeżeli masz zrzut ekranu z tym błędem (dobry zwyczaj) możesz użyć Imgur.com, żeby wrzucić go do Internetu i potem skopiować łącze do niego tutaj.