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#101617: "ELO rates of unrelated players may decrease when someone exits the game"
implemented: Ta propozycja została wdrożona
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• Wyjaśnij swoją propozycję precyzyjnie i zwięźle, tak aby jak najłatwiej zrozumieć, co masz na myśli.
As in the game above, if there is a difference in ELO rates between players, the rate of an unrelated player will decrease when someone exits the game.
This is clearly unfair and should be corrected.
Due to this specification, players with higher rates will not want to match with players with lower rates.
It reduces the chances of players playing each other.• Jaką masz przeglądarkę?
Google Chrome v117
Historia zgłoszeń
2023 paź 18 4:54 •
kaien032 • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2023 gru 21 17:04 • I checked a few replays and this ELO rate specification seems to be a bug that only occurs when someone exits at 100% game progress.
WallBuilder • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2023 gru 30 11:00 •
2023 gru 30 11:01 • I had this problem in a game of Agricola. I was going to win, another player timed out, and another player made them quick. I lost ELO because I tied with the two players with lower ratings
WallBuilder • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 lut 26 11:20 • This happened again here - another player quit just before the finish of the game, and I lost 9 ELO, even though I was about to win!
Agricola n°469154699
Agricola n°469154699
Freddy_Choppin • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 mar 16 11:13 • This looks like the same issue I had with a game of Wingspan: yesterday.
A player timed out during his/her last move of the game, was kicked and even therefore first place was shared between the rest of the players including myself. Because other players had lower ELO, I ended up losing points when I otherwise would have won the game and gained ELO.
A player timed out during his/her last move of the game, was kicked and even therefore first place was shared between the rest of the players including myself. Because other players had lower ELO, I ended up losing points when I otherwise would have won the game and gained ELO.
DanGamesPdx • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 kwi 4 17:59 • I've had this happen several times in space base at 100% completion
Phoxtrot • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 kwi 22 20:16 • Tangential to this, I have made a suggestion about making the framework more flexible so that specific games can implement specific solutions when someone quits the game.
(Link to discussion thread in the suggestion report)
(Link to discussion thread in the suggestion report)
KSpooky • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 maj 5 13:27 • This is really annoying, can you do something about that? During last month it happened 3 times in Terraforming Mars Arena. Loosing player haven't put final greenery and eventually got dropped. My win was considered as a draw and in effect I've lost ELO and Arena points, because enemies had much lower ranking. It is not suppose to work like that. It is simply unfair.
So why not simply skip quiter turns if the game is at 90%+ progression? Or replace it with some dummy AI? Make it to never lost ELO/Arena Ranking on player drop?
So why not simply skip quiter turns if the game is at 90%+ progression? Or replace it with some dummy AI? Make it to never lost ELO/Arena Ranking on player drop?
Shivaware • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 maj 26 22:01 • This was a long-standing issue, and a few years ago, they added a lower cap so that none of the remaining players could actually lose Elo, but the remaining player with the lowest Elo would still gain Elo from everyone else. Unfortunately, when they added the power-levelling changes, the lower cap was removed and it is now possible for remaining players to lose Elo again.
The ideal solution would be to just consider it as everyone winning separate 2-player games against the person who left.
Someone suggested that already here:
The ideal solution would be to just consider it as everyone winning separate 2-player games against the person who left.
Someone suggested that already here:
Shivaware • Ta propozycja nie została jeszcze przeanalizowana przez programistów:
2024 lip 1 10:13 • Hmm, I wonder if this has been recently addressed.
In this game:
I can now see a message in the "Details of ELO calculation" that says "You cannot lose ELO when a player quits the game".
If it's fixed for all games, that is a welcome change!
In this game:
I can now see a message in the "Details of ELO calculation" that says "You cannot lose ELO when a player quits the game".
If it's fixed for all games, that is a welcome change!
BROT42 • Ta propozycja została wdrożona:
2024 wrz 3 15:02 • hello :)
thanks for reporting the issue, we noticed there was indeed a bug where if the game was quit at 100% progression (which is unexpected but still possible, although it depends on each specific game implementation, according to how it has been developed), players could lose ELO when the rating update calculation was resulting in a negative delta (for ex when a strong player was tie with a weak player, as a result of game neuteralization). this delta would normally be set min to 0, but on 100% it wasn't happening.
the issue has now been fixed as of 28th aug 2024 (see changelog
sorry for the troubles and thank you for your patience!
thanks for reporting the issue, we noticed there was indeed a bug where if the game was quit at 100% progression (which is unexpected but still possible, although it depends on each specific game implementation, according to how it has been developed), players could lose ELO when the rating update calculation was resulting in a negative delta (for ex when a strong player was tie with a weak player, as a result of game neuteralization). this delta would normally be set min to 0, but on 100% it wasn't happening.
the issue has now been fixed as of 28th aug 2024 (see changelog
sorry for the troubles and thank you for your patience!
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